Modern Theatre Dance Classes

The foundation of Musical Theatre dance, using different styles such as lyrical, and jazz.

This is a structured class following the ISTD sylabi. Each class includes:

  • Warm up
  • Core stability and Limbering exercises
  • Isolations
  • Rhythm section
  • Combined movements
  • Turns
  • Leaps
  • Stretching

You would see Modern Theatre dance on stage, in musicals such as Cats and Grease. This dancing  style is constantly changing and evolving with the ‘fashions of today’.

Your questions answered

Here's some answers to the most frequently asked questions

There is no strict dress code or uniform, to begin with. We supply dancewear and uniforms via postal delivery and you can order anything required from your teacher at the end of your class.
Currently, all of our classes are based at Cinnamon Brow community center. You can follow the link to the locations page to see a map and get directions.
We have a range of classes available and you should check the class information to gauge whether you feel your experience level is suitable. Graded classes follow the Royal Academy of Dance syllabus and it is important to attend each Grade sequentially.
We follow all national guidelines and safety measures are in place to ensure the safety of our teachers, students and dance community. All students / guardians are required to complete a COVID-19 questionnaire which includes our track and trace policy.

Register to attend a class before our classes are full.

JT Dance Cinnamon Brow

Cinnamon Brow Community Cent, Perth Cl, Fearnhead, Warrington WA2 0SF

Phone Me

Phone: 07793 722 339

A circular logo image containing a ballerina dancing ballet en-pointe.